Herman Cain - Place of Birth, Date of Birth, Age, Wiki, Facts, Net Worth, Birthday, Biography and Family

Herman Cain, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Family, Facts, Age, Net Worth, Biography and More in FamedBorn.com

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Dec 13, 1945 Memphis, Tennessee, United States 78 years old

American writer, businessman and activist


About Herman Cain

  • Herman Cain (born December 13, 1945) is an American politician, business executive, syndicated columnist, and Tea Party activist from Georgia. Cain grew up in Georgia and graduated from Morehouse College in 1967 with a Bachelor of Science in Mathematics.
  • He pursued graduate studies at Purdue University and graduated with a Master of Science in Computer Science in 1971, while also working full-time for the U.S.
  • Department of the Navy.
  • In 1977, he joined the Pillsbury Company in Minneapolis where he later became vice president.
  • During the 1980s, Cain's success as a business executive at Burger King prompted Pillsbury to appoint him as chairman and CEO of Godfather's Pizza, in which capacity he served from 1986 to 1996. Cain was chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City Omaha Branch from 1989 to 1991.
  • He was deputy chairman, from 1992 to 1994, and then chairman until 1996, of the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City.
  • In 1995, he was appointed to the Kemp Commission, and in 1996, he served as a senior economic adviser to Bob Dole's presidential campaign.
  • Cain became the CEO of the National Restaurant Association, in which he served as president and CEO from 1996 to 1999.
  • In April 2019, Cain was considered by President Donald Trump for a vacancy on the Federal Reserve Board before withdrawing his name the same month. In May 2011, Cain announced his presidential candidacy.
  • By the fall, his proposed 9–9–9 tax plan and debating performances had made him a serious contender for the Republican nomination.
  • In November, however, his campaign faced five allegations of sexual misconduct—all denied by Cain—and he announced its suspension on December 3.

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