Salvador Espinosa - Place of Birth, Date of Birth, Age, Wiki, Facts, Net Worth, Birthday, Biography and Family

Salvador Espinosa, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Family, Facts, Age, Net Worth, Biography and More in

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Feb 08, 1956 Mexico 68 years old


About Salvador Espinosa

  • Salvador Espinosa (born in Mexico city on 8 February 1956) is a film maker. He is the director of the documentary TEOKARI (Compañero de Camino - Companion on the Path - 2014) A feature documentary film that aims to show clearly and experiential from three different perspectives the value of the Huichol (Wixaritari) people as a culture and as a community, and how they have benefited other cultures, and thereby to highlight their relevance as an example of appropriate relationship with the world.
  • The rituals, ceremonies and traditions of the Wixaritari as the core of the identity of this people, and thereby to highlight their relevance as an example of appropriate relationship with the world and to offer a means to understand the appropriate balance in the relationship between the human beings (the community) and nature.

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