Famous Television Presenter Birthdays, May, 01 in United Kingdom

Famous Television Presenter Birthdays, may, 01 in United Kingdom, Browse celebrity birthdays sorted by region of birth, occupation and birthplace and more.

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    Joanna Lumley

    May 01, 1946 Srinagar 78 years old

    British actress and former model

    Anthony S. Baxter

    May 01, 1982 Rochdale 42 years old

    British television presenter

    Antony Worrall Thompson

    May 01, 1951 Stratford upon Avon 73 years old

    English television chef

    Harvey (MC)

    May 01, 1979 Plymouth 45 years old

    English rapper and footballer

    Shantha Roberts

    May 01, 1982 42 years old

    British television presenter

    Nina Hossain

    May 01, 1975 Huddersfield 49 years old

    English journalist and presenter

    Birthdays by Region

    Celebrity of the day
    English singer-songwriter, rapper and actor


    English singer-songwriter, rapper and actor