Famous Chemist Birthdays, September, 05 in worldwide, Browse celebrity birthdays sorted by region of birth, occupation and birthplace and more.
Persian scholar and polymath
David Ginsburg (chemist)
Israeli chemist
Friedrich Emich
Austrian chemist
Walter Greiling
German chemist and futurologist
François Sulpice Beudant
systematic mineralogist, University of Paris, Paris, France
Thomas Sterry Hunt
United States geologist and chemist; first chemist and later mineralogist, Geological Survey of Canada
Donald Tomalia
Gerard Fairtlough
British biochemist
William Odling
British chemist
Henri Mouton
French scientist
Andrew Bruce Holmes
Australian and British research chemist and professor
Nancy Makri
Greek physicist
Constantin Istrati
Romanian chemist
Otto Chr. Bastiansen
Norwegian professor of chemistry, chancellor of the University of Oslo
English singer-songwriter, rapper and actor