Famous Association Football Player Birthdays, May, 06 in Argentina

Famous Association Football Player Birthdays, May, 06 in Argentina, Browse celebrity birthdays sorted by region of birth, occupation and birthplace and more.

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    Gastón Gil Romero

    May 06, 1993 General Roca 31 years old

    Argentine association football player

    Juan Pablo Carrizo

    May 06, 1984 Santa Fe 40 years old

    Argentine footballer

    Juan Musso

    May 06, 1994 San Nicolás de los Arroyos 30 years old

    Argentine association football player

    Franco Sbuttoni

    May 06, 1989 Villa Constitución 35 years old

    Argentine association football player

    Manuel de Iriondo

    May 06, 1993 Santa Fe 31 years old

    Argentinian association football player

    Alan Bonansea

    May 06, 1996 Villa Gobernador Gálvez 28 years old

    Argentinian association football player

    Walter Payer

    May 06, 1987 Rosario 37 years old

    Argentinian footballer

    Gonzalo Piermarteri

    May 06, 1995 Córdoba 29 years old

    Argentinian association football player

    Néstor Isella

    May 06, 1937 Rafaela Died on 20 Nov 2015 (aged 78)

    Argentine Footballer

    Pablo Andrés Abdala Kovasevic

    May 06, 1972 Rosario 52 years old

    football player

    Iván Colman

    May 06, 1995 San Martín 29 years old

    Argentinian association football player

    Francisco Ilarregui

    May 06, 1997 Curuzú Cuatiá 27 years old

    Argentinian association football player

    Lucas Scaglia

    May 06, 1987 Rosario 37 years old

    Portuguese footballer

    Carlos Arano

    May 06, 1780 Avellaneda 244 years old

    Argentine footballer

    Nicolás Romat

    May 06, 1988 Buenos Aires 36 years old

    Argentine football player

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    Celebrity of the day
    English singer-songwriter, rapper and actor


    English singer-songwriter, rapper and actor