Celebrity birthdays, May 19th in Armenia celebrity birthdays

Famous People's | Celebrity birthdays, May 19th in Armenia, Browse the birthdays of celebrities, sorted by region of birth, occupation and birthplace and more.

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    Natalya Melik Melikyan

    May 19, 1906 Erivan Governorate Died on 25 Jul 1989 (aged 83)

    Armenian docent (1906-1989)

    Hovhannes Gabuzyan

    May 19, 1995 Yerevan 29 years old

    Armenian chess player

    Hamo Beknazarian

    May 19, 1891 Yerevan Died on 27 Apr 1965 (aged 73)

    Soviet film director

    Shavarsh Karapetyan

    May 19, 1953 Vanadzor 71 years old

    Soviet swimmer

    Armen Grigoryan (duduk player)

    May 19, 1971 Yerevan 53 years old

    Armenian musician

    Celebrity of the day
    English singer-songwriter, rapper and actor


    English singer-songwriter, rapper and actor