Famous Rugby Union Player Birthdays, April, 25 in Australia

Famous Rugby Union Player Birthdays, April, 25 in Australia, Browse celebrity birthdays sorted by region of birth, occupation and birthplace and more.

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    Richard Stanford (rugby union)

    Apr 25, 1986 Wellington 38 years old

    Australian rugby union player

    Sam Wykes

    Apr 25, 1988 Sydney 36 years old

    rugby union player (1988-)

    Scott Roskell

    Apr 25, 1969 55 years old

    rugby league player

    James Dargaville

    Apr 25, 1992 Southport 32 years old

    Australian rugby union player

    Birthdays by Place

    Celebrity of the day
    English singer-songwriter, rapper and actor


    English singer-songwriter, rapper and actor