Famous Rugby Union Player Birthdays, September, 30 in Australia

Famous Rugby Union Player Birthdays, September, 30 in Australia, Browse celebrity birthdays sorted by region of birth, occupation and birthplace and more.

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    Lachlan Mitchell

    Sep 30, 1987 36 years old

    Australian rugby union player

    David Horwitz

    Sep 30, 1994 Sydney 29 years old

    Australian rugby union player (1994-)

    Joel Wilson (rugby)

    Sep 30, 1977 Newcastle 46 years old

    Australian rugby union footballer and coach, and rugby league footballer

    Allen Munsie

    Sep 30, 1906 Guyra Died on 01 Jan 0001 (aged 1905)

    Australian rugby union player

    Birthdays by Place

    Celebrity of the day
    English singer-songwriter, rapper and actor


    English singer-songwriter, rapper and actor