Famous Ice Hockey Player Birthdays, November, 29 in Czech Republic

Famous Ice Hockey Player Birthdays, november, 29 in Czech Republic, Browse celebrity birthdays sorted by region of birth, occupation and birthplace and more.

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    Drahomír Kadlec

    Nov 29, 1965 Příbram 58 years old

    Czech extraleague league ice hockey player, ice hockey defender, ice hockey player and olympionic

    Zbyněk Irgl

    Nov 29, 1980 Ostrava 43 years old

    Czech ice hockey player

    Andrej Šustr

    Nov 29, 1990 Plzeň 33 years old

    Czech ice hockey player

    Jiří Marušák

    Nov 29, 1975 Zlín 48 years old

    Czech ice hockey player

    Adam Dlouhý

    Nov 29, 1994 Czech Republic 29 years old

    ice hockey player (1994-)

    Jiří Veber

    Nov 29, 1968 Prague 55 years old

    Czech 1st league ice hockey player, extraleague league ice hockey player, ice hockey defender, ice hockey coach, ice hockey player and olympionic

    Tomáš Káňa

    Nov 29, 1987 Opava 36 years old

    Czech ice hockey player

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    English singer-songwriter, rapper and actor


    English singer-songwriter, rapper and actor