Famous Ice Hockey Player Birthdays, May, 03 in Finland

Famous Ice Hockey Player Birthdays, may, 03 in Finland, Browse celebrity birthdays sorted by region of birth, occupation and birthplace and more.

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    Teemu Hartikainen

    May 03, 1990 Kuopio 34 years old

    Finnish ice hockey player

    Jukka Hentunen

    May 03, 1974 Joroinen 50 years old

    ice hockey player

    Iivo Hokkanen

    May 03, 1985 Hämeenlinna 39 years old

    Finnish ice hockey player

    Niclas Lucenius

    May 03, 1989 Turku 35 years old

    Finnish ice hockey player

    Antti Virtanen

    May 03, 1977 Turku 47 years old

    Finnish ice hockey player

    Aleksi Mäkelä (ice hockey, born 1993)

    May 03, 1993 Kiiminki 31 years old

    Finnish ice hockey player, born 1993

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    Celebrity of the day
    English singer-songwriter, rapper and actor


    English singer-songwriter, rapper and actor