Famous Association Football Player Birthdays, August, 14 in Italy

Famous Association Football Player Birthdays, august, 14 in Italy, Browse celebrity birthdays sorted by region of birth, occupation and birthplace and more.

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    Giorgio Chiellini

    Aug 14, 1984 Pisa 39 years old

    Italian association football player

    Massimo Giacomini

    Aug 14, 1939 Udine 84 years old

    Italian footballer and manager

    Bruno Martella

    Aug 14, 1992 Atri 31 years old

    Italian footballer

    Davide Petrachi

    Aug 14, 1986 Lecce 37 years old

    Italian footballer

    Francesco Oddo

    Aug 14, 1946 Trapani 77 years old

    Italian footballer and manager

    Roberto Sorrentino

    Aug 14, 1955 Naples 68 years old

    Italian football player/manager

    Luca Bittante

    Aug 14, 1993 Bassano del Grappa 30 years old

    Italian footballer

    Maurizio Thermes

    Aug 14, 1939 Rome 84 years old

    Italian footballer

    Ferro Tontini

    Aug 14, 1969 Anzio 54 years old

    Italian footballer

    Vittorio Micolucci

    Aug 14, 1983 Giulianova 40 years old

    Italian footballer

    Roberto Floriano

    Aug 14, 1986 Albstadt 37 years old

    Italian footballer

    Raffaele Biancolino

    Aug 14, 1977 Naples 46 years old

    Italian footballer

    Benito Carbone

    Aug 14, 1971 Bagnara Calabra 52 years old

    Italian footballer

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    Celebrity of the day
    English singer-songwriter, rapper and actor


    English singer-songwriter, rapper and actor