Famous Politician Birthdays, May, 05 in Japan

Famous Politician Birthdays, may, 05 in Japan, Browse celebrity birthdays sorted by region of birth, occupation and birthplace and more.

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    Itsunori Onodera

    May 05, 1960 Kesennuma 64 years old

    Japanese politician of the Liberal Democratic Party

    Fumiko Hayashi (politician)

    May 05, 1946 Tokyo 78 years old

    Japanese noble

    Hiroshi Hase

    May 05, 1961 Oyabe 63 years old

    Japanese politician and professional wrestler

    Mitsuyoshi Yanagisawa

    May 05, 1948 Chiba Prefecture 76 years old

    Japanese politician

    Yataro Tsuda

    May 05, 1952 Ōno District 72 years old

    Japanese politician

    Tadashi Shimizu

    May 05, 1968 Suita 56 years old

    Japanese politician

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    Celebrity of the day
    English singer-songwriter, rapper and actor


    English singer-songwriter, rapper and actor