Celebrity birthdays, May 10th in South Korea celebrity birthdays

Famous People's | Celebrity birthdays, May 10th in South Korea, Browse the birthdays of celebrities, sorted by region of birth, occupation and birthplace and more.

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    Shin Jung-hwan

    May 10, 1975 Seoul 49 years old

    South Korean singer

    Suh Hyo-won

    May 10, 1987 Gyeongju 37 years old

    a South Korean table tennis player

    Lee Hyori

    May 10, 1979 Cheongju 45 years old

    South Korean singer

    Lee Seung-bae

    May 10, 1971 53 years old

    Olympic boxer of South Korea

    Gwak Mi-hee

    May 10, 1974 Yesan County 50 years old

    South Korean cross-country mountain biker and ski mountaineer

    Kang Hee-chan

    May 10, 1970 South Korea 54 years old

    South Korean table tennis player, bronze medalist at the 1992 Olympics

    Bae Jin-young

    May 10, 2000 Jung District 24 years old

    South Korean singer and member of Wanna One

    Nam Tae-hyun

    May 10, 1994 Hanam 30 years old

    South Korean singer

    Lee Jae-wook

    May 10, 1998 Seoul 26 years old

    South Korean actor

    Hong Sung-sik

    May 10, 1971 Gochang County 53 years old


    Im Hyung-joon

    May 10, 1974 Seoul 50 years old

    South Korean actor

    Kim Nam-joo (actress)

    May 10, 1971 Pyeongtaek 53 years old

    South Korean actress

    Boom (entertainer)

    May 10, 1982 Seoul 42 years old

    South Korean rapper, singer, actor, radio host, and television presenter

    Kun-Woo Paik

    May 10, 1946 Seoul 78 years old


    Kim Jong-kun

    May 10, 1969 South Korea 55 years old

    South Korean footballer

    An Byung-kyun

    May 10, 1967 57 years old

    South Korean sport shooter

    Park Jong-kil

    May 10, 1946 78 years old

    South Korean sport shooter

    Kim Dae-sung

    May 10, 1972 South Korea 52 years old

    South Korean association football player

    Son Yak-seon

    May 10, 1966 58 years old

    South Korean bicycle racer

    Kim Jun-yeop

    May 10, 1988 South Korea 36 years old

    South Korean footballer

    21 Mun Suk

    Mun Suk

    May 10, 1966 South Korea 58 years old

    South Korean bicycle racer

    Lee Min-ji (Miss Korea)

    May 10, 1991 Suwon 33 years old

    Yoo Hyeok-geun

    May 10, 1944 80 years old

    South Korean rower

    Ko Tae-won

    May 10, 1993 South Korea 31 years old

    association football player

    Lee Kyu-seong

    May 10, 1994 South Korea 30 years old

    association football player

    Birthdays by Profession

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    Celebrity of the day
    English singer-songwriter, rapper and actor


    English singer-songwriter, rapper and actor