Famous Association Football Player Birthdays, April, 15 in South Korea

Famous Association Football Player Birthdays, April, 15 in South Korea, Browse celebrity birthdays sorted by region of birth, occupation and birthplace and more.

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    Son Yong-chan

    Apr 15, 1991 Jinju 33 years old

    association football player (1991-)

    Shim Seo-yeon

    Apr 15, 1989 35 years old

    South Korean footballer

    Yoo Young-a

    Apr 15, 1988 36 years old

    South Korean association football player

    Choi Moo-lim

    Apr 15, 1979 South Korea 45 years old

    South Korean footballer

    Moon Je-chun

    Apr 15, 1987 Seoul 37 years old

    South Korean association football player

    Lee Jae-hee

    Apr 15, 1959 South Korea 65 years old

    South Korean association football player

    Birthdays by Place

    Celebrity of the day
    English singer-songwriter, rapper and actor


    English singer-songwriter, rapper and actor