Famous Association Football Player Birthdays, April, 27 in South Korea

Famous Association Football Player Birthdays, April, 27 in South Korea, Browse celebrity birthdays sorted by region of birth, occupation and birthplace and more.

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    Yeo Min-ji

    Apr 27, 1993 South Korea 31 years old

    South Korean association football player

    Kim Hyung-il

    Apr 27, 1984 Seoul 40 years old

    South Korean footballer

    Woo Chan-yang

    Apr 27, 1997 South Korea 27 years old

    South Korean association football player

    Lee Hyun-woong

    Apr 27, 1988 South Korea 36 years old

    South Korean footballer

    Bae Chun-suk

    Apr 27, 1990 Daegu 34 years old

    South Korean association football player

    Kim Lee-sub

    Apr 27, 1974 South Korea 50 years old

    South Korean footballer

    Kim Dae-keon

    Apr 27, 1977 South Korea 47 years old

    South Korean footballer

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    Celebrity of the day
    English singer-songwriter, rapper and actor


    English singer-songwriter, rapper and actor