Famous Association Football Player Birthdays, May, 26 in Spain

Famous Association Football Player Birthdays, May, 26 in Spain, Browse celebrity birthdays sorted by region of birth, occupation and birthplace and more.

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    May 26, 1988 Albacete 35 years old

    Spanish footballer

    Tete (footballer)

    May 26, 1985 Badajoz 38 years old

    Spanish footballer

    Piti (footballer)

    May 26, 1981 Reus 42 years old

    Spanish footballer

    Gio (footballer, born 1984)

    May 26, 1984 El Cotillo 39 years old

    Spanish footballer

    Sandro Rodríguez

    May 26, 1990 Santa Cruz de Tenerife 33 years old

    association football player

    Sergio González Testón

    May 26, 1995 Madrid 28 years old

    Spanish association football player

    Juan Cifré

    May 26, 1993 Palma 30 years old

    Spanish association football player

    Eneko Fernández

    May 26, 1984 Zaragoza 39 years old

    Spanish footballer

    Gorka Kijera

    May 26, 1986 Hernani 37 years old

    Spanish footballer

    Dejan Marković

    May 26, 1973 Zemun 50 years old

    Serbian footballer

    Manuel González (footballer, born 1943)

    May 26, 1943 Granada 80 years old

    Spanish association football player (1943-)

    Martí Vilà

    May 26, 1999 Berga 24 years old

    association football player

    Sergio Boris (footballer)

    May 26, 1980 Avilés 43 years old

    Spanish footballer

    Adrián Bernabé

    May 26, 2001 Spain 22 years old

    football player

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    English singer-songwriter, rapper and actor


    English singer-songwriter, rapper and actor