Famous Ice Hockey Player Birthdays, May, 04 in Sweden

Famous Ice Hockey Player Birthdays, May, 04 in Sweden, Browse celebrity birthdays sorted by region of birth, occupation and birthplace and more.

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    Andreas Jämtin

    May 04, 1983 Stockholm 41 years old

    ice hockey player

    Therese Sjölander

    May 04, 1981 Sollefteå 43 years old

    Swedish ice hockey player

    Thomas Rundqvist

    May 04, 1960 Vimmerby 64 years old

    Swedish ice hockey player

    Lars-Erik Sjöberg

    May 04, 1944 Falun Died on 20 Oct 1987 (aged 43)

    Swedish ice hockey player

    Joakim Persson (ice hockey)

    May 04, 1970 Upplands Väsby 54 years old

    Swedish ice hockey player

    Jonas Junkka

    May 04, 1976 Kiruna 48 years old

    Swedish ice hockey player

    Birthdays by Place

    Celebrity of the day
    English singer-songwriter, rapper and actor


    English singer-songwriter, rapper and actor