Famous Ice Hockey Player Birthdays, February, 10 in Sweden

Famous Ice Hockey Player Birthdays, february, 10 in Sweden, Browse celebrity birthdays sorted by region of birth, occupation and birthplace and more.

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    Axel Jonsson-Fjällby

    Feb 10, 1998 Stockholm 26 years old

    Swedish ice hockey player (1998-)

    Sarah Berglind

    Feb 10, 1996 Östersund 28 years old

    Swedish ice hockey player (1996-)

    Alexander Deilert

    Feb 10, 1989 Stockholm 35 years old

    Swedish ice hockey player

    Peter Popovic

    Feb 10, 1968 Köping 56 years old

    Swedish ice hockey player

    Yngve Karlsson

    Feb 10, 1929 Sweden 95 years old

    Swedish ice hockey player (1929-)

    Christian Lechtaler

    Feb 10, 1972 Gothenburg 52 years old

    Swedish ice hockey player and coach

    Tim Harrysson

    Feb 10, 1992 Örebro 32 years old

    Swedish ice goaltender

    Per Hånberg

    Feb 10, 1967 Stockholm 57 years old

    Swedish ice hockey player (1967-)

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    Celebrity of the day
    English singer-songwriter, rapper and actor


    English singer-songwriter, rapper and actor