Famous Canadian Football Player Birthdays, January, 30 in United States

Famous Canadian Football Player Birthdays, January, 30 in United States, Browse celebrity birthdays sorted by region of birth, occupation and birthplace and more.

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    Eric Wilson (Canadian football)

    Jan 30, 1978 46 years old

    NFL linebacker

    Cameron Wake

    Jan 30, 1982 Beltsville 42 years old

    American football defensive lineman, linebacker

    DeDe Lattimore

    Jan 30, 1991 Athens 33 years old

    American football player

    Bob Stransky

    Jan 30, 1936 South Dakota 88 years old

    American football player

    John Rogan (Canadian football)

    Jan 30, 1960 New York City 64 years old

    Canadian football

    Tony Stewart (Canadian football)

    Jan 30, 1968 Chester 56 years old

    Canadian football player

    Celebrity of the day
    English singer-songwriter, rapper and actor


    English singer-songwriter, rapper and actor