Famous Canadian Football Player Birthdays, November, 06 in United States

Famous Canadian Football Player Birthdays, november, 06 in United States, Browse celebrity birthdays sorted by region of birth, occupation and birthplace and more.

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    Shane Carden

    Nov 06, 1991 Newport Beach 32 years old

    American football player

    Zach Minter

    Nov 06, 1990 Glendale 33 years old

    American football player

    Scorpio Babers

    Nov 06, 1983 Italy 40 years old

    Player of American and Canadian football

    Erik Kramer

    Nov 06, 1964 Encino 59 years old

    American football player

    Lamar Chapman

    Nov 06, 1976 Liberal 47 years old

    American football player

    Carl Fodor

    Nov 06, 1963 Weirton 60 years old

    American football player

    Johnny Quinn

    Nov 06, 1983 Harrisburg 40 years old

    American and Canadian football player, track athlete, Olympic bobsledder

    Celebrity of the day
    English singer-songwriter, rapper and actor


    English singer-songwriter, rapper and actor