Famous Ice Hockey Player Birthdays, May, 05 in United States

Famous Ice Hockey Player Birthdays, May, 05 in United States, Browse celebrity birthdays sorted by region of birth, occupation and birthplace and more.

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    Dates Fryberger

    May 05, 1940 Duluth 84 years old

    American ice hockey player (1940-)

    Paul Rowe (ice hockey)

    May 05, 1914 Somerville Died on 28 Aug 1993 (aged 79)

    American ice hockey player

    Justin Johnson (ice hockey)

    May 05, 1981 Anchorage 43 years old

    American ice hockey player

    Randy Skarda

    May 05, 1968 West St. Paul 56 years old

    American ice hockey player

    Drew Larman

    May 05, 1985 Buffalo 39 years old

    American ice hockey player

    Kyle Criscuolo

    May 05, 1992 Southampton Township 32 years old

    ice hockey player (1992-)

    Josh Norris

    May 05, 1999 Oakland County 25 years old

    American ice hockey player (1999-)

    Mike Mastrullo

    May 05, 1957 Billerica 67 years old

    American and Italian ice hockey player (1957-)

    Duane Joyce

    May 05, 1965 Pembroke 59 years old

    American ice hockey player

    Celebrity of the day
    English singer-songwriter, rapper and actor


    English singer-songwriter, rapper and actor