Famous Ice Hockey Player Birthdays, April, 12 in United States

Famous Ice Hockey Player Birthdays, april, 12 in United States, Browse celebrity birthdays sorted by region of birth, occupation and birthplace and more.

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    Tommy Wingels

    Apr 12, 1988 Evanston 36 years old

    American ice hockey player

    Jason McBain

    Apr 12, 1974 Ilion 50 years old

    Canadian ice hockey defenceman

    Tim Sweeney (ice hockey)

    Apr 12, 1967 Boston 57 years old

    American ice hockey player

    Pat Sapp

    Apr 12, 1953 Columbus 71 years old

    sledge hockey player

    Torey Krug

    Apr 12, 1991 Livonia 33 years old

    American ice hockey player

    Dan Dries

    Apr 12, 1988 Lake Orion 36 years old

    American ice hockey player

    David Hanson (ice hockey)

    Apr 12, 1954 Cumberland 70 years old

    American ice hockey player

    Celebrity of the day
    English singer-songwriter, rapper and actor


    English singer-songwriter, rapper and actor