Famous Ice Hockey Player Birthdays, May, 03 in United States

Famous Ice Hockey Player Birthdays, may, 03 in United States, Browse celebrity birthdays sorted by region of birth, occupation and birthplace and more.

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    Rod Langway

    May 03, 1957 Taipei 67 years old

    American ice hockey player

    Ted Crowley

    May 03, 1970 Rioko 54 years old

    American ice hockey player

    Sydney Brodt

    May 03, 1998 North Oaks 26 years old

    Brady Hjelle

    May 03, 1990 International Falls 34 years old

    American ice hockey player

    R. J. Umberger

    May 03, 1982 Pittsburgh 42 years old

    American ice hockey player

    Jeff Halpern

    May 03, 1976 Potomac 48 years old

    American ice hockey player

    Dick Lamby

    May 03, 1955 Auburn 69 years old

    American ice hockey player

    John Carter (ice hockey)

    May 03, 1963 Winchester 61 years old

    Ice Hockey Player

    David Jensen (ice hockey, born 1961)

    May 03, 1961 Minneapolis 63 years old

    American ice hockey player

    Celebrity of the day
    English singer-songwriter, rapper and actor


    English singer-songwriter, rapper and actor