Famous Futsal Player Birthdays, May, 04 in worldwide

Famous Futsal Player Birthdays, may, 04 in worldwide, Browse celebrity birthdays sorted by region of birth, occupation and birthplace and more.

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    Luis Amado Tarodo

    May 04, 1976 Madrid 48 years old

    Spanish futsal player

    Kike (futsal player, born 1978)

    May 04, 1978 Valencia 46 years old

    Spanish futsal player

    Rikarudo Higa

    May 04, 1973 Campinas 51 years old

    Japanese association football player

    Marco Torcivia

    May 04, 1982 Palermo 42 years old


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    Celebrity of the day
    English singer-songwriter, rapper and actor


    English singer-songwriter, rapper and actor