Celebrity birthdays, May 14th in Belarus celebrity birthdays

Famous People's | Celebrity birthdays, May 14th in Belarus, Browse the birthdays of celebrities, sorted by region of birth, occupation and birthplace and more.

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    Alina Talay

    May 14, 1989 Orsha 35 years old

    Belarusian hurdler

    Alexei Rios

    May 14, 1987 Minsk 37 years old

    Belarusian association football player

    Raman Yaliotnau

    May 14, 1993 Chavusy 31 years old

    Belorussian biathlete

    Andrei Kulebin

    May 14, 1984 Neustrelitz 40 years old

    Belarusian kickboxer

    Yevgeny Fomin

    May 14, 1994 Gomel 30 years old

    Belarusian association football player

    Anatoly Malofeyev

    May 14, 1933 Gomel 91 years old

    Soviet politician

    Syarhei Parsyukevich

    May 14, 1967 Vitebsk 57 years old

    Belarusian businessman

    Vyachaslaw Yaraslawski

    May 14, 1985 Minsk 39 years old

    Belarusian footballer

    Celebrity of the day
    English singer-songwriter, rapper and actor


    English singer-songwriter, rapper and actor