Celebrity birthdays, May 14th in Slovenia celebrity birthdays

Famous People's | Celebrity birthdays, May 14th in Slovenia, Browse the birthdays of celebrities, sorted by region of birth, occupation and birthplace and more.

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    Tilen Kodrin

    May 14, 1994 Celje 30 years old

    Slovenian handball player

    Marko Klasinc

    May 14, 1951 73 years old

    Slovenian chess problemist

    Uroš Slokar

    May 14, 1983 Ljubljana 41 years old

    Slovenian basketball player

    Rudi Šeligo

    May 14, 1935 Sušak Died on 22 Jan 2004 (aged 68)

    Slovenian writer

    Albin Felc

    May 14, 1941 Jesenice 83 years old

    Slovenian ice hockey player

    Janez Matjašič

    May 14, 1921 Ljubljana Died on 09 Aug 1996 (aged 75)

    Slovene zoologist

    Miroslav Cvijanović

    May 14, 1985 Nova Gorica 39 years old

    Slovenian football player

    Mojca Dežman

    May 14, 1967 Kranj 57 years old

    Olympic alpine skier

    Bojan Krivec

    May 14, 1987 Novo Mesto 37 years old

    Slovenian basketball player

    Celebrity of the day
    English singer-songwriter, rapper and actor


    English singer-songwriter, rapper and actor