Famous Ice Hockey Player Birthdays, January, 16 in Finland

Famous Ice Hockey Player Birthdays, january, 16 in Finland, Browse celebrity birthdays sorted by region of birth, occupation and birthplace and more.

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    Mikko Lehtonen (ice hockey, born 1994)

    Jan 16, 1994 Turku 30 years old

    Finnish ice hockey defenceman

    Masi Marjamäki

    Jan 16, 1985 Pori 39 years old

    ice hockey player

    Eetu Pöysti

    Jan 16, 1989 Helsinki 35 years old

    Finnish ice hockey player

    Petteri Nokelainen

    Jan 16, 1986 Imatra 38 years old

    Finnish ice hockey player

    Matti Lampainen

    Jan 16, 1932 Finland 92 years old

    Finnish ice hockey player

    Esa Palosaari

    Jan 16, 1968 Oulu 56 years old

    Finnish ice hockey player

    Jere Rouhiainen

    Jan 16, 1996 Tampere 28 years old

    Finnish ice hockey player

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    English singer-songwriter, rapper and actor


    English singer-songwriter, rapper and actor