Celebrity birthdays, January 16th in Uruguay celebrity birthdays

Famous People's | Celebrity birthdays, January 16th in Uruguay, Browse the birthdays of celebrities, sorted by region of birth, occupation and birthplace and more.

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    Gregorio Pérez

    Jan 16, 1948 Maldonado 76 years old

    Uruguayan football manager

    Andrés Lamas

    Jan 16, 1984 Montevideo 40 years old

    Uruguayan professional footballer

    Alejandra González Soca

    Jan 16, 1973 Maldonado 51 years old

    Artista visual, psicóloga, docente

    Gonzalo Bueno

    Jan 16, 1993 Montevideo 31 years old

    Uruguayan footballer

    Enrique Báez

    Jan 16, 1966 Santa Lucía 58 years old

    Uruguayan footballer

    Ignacio De Arruabarrena

    Jan 16, 1997 Montevideo 27 years old

    Uruguayan association football player

    Luis Silveira

    Jan 16, 1971 Montevideo 53 years old

    Uruguayan basketball player

    Facundo Batista

    Jan 16, 1999 Montevideo 25 years old

    Facundo Mallo

    Jan 16, 1995 Montevideo 29 years old

    Uruguayan association football player

    Santiago Ciganda

    Jan 16, 1994 Montevideo 30 years old

    Uruguayan association football player

    Jorge Graví

    Jan 16, 1994 Treinta y Tres 30 years old

    Uruguayan association football player

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    Celebrity of the day
    English singer-songwriter, rapper and actor


    English singer-songwriter, rapper and actor