Famous Basketball Player Birthdays, January, 16 in France

Famous Basketball Player Birthdays, january, 16 in France, Browse celebrity birthdays sorted by region of birth, occupation and birthplace and more.

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    Florence Lepron

    Jan 16, 1985 Nantes 39 years old

    French basketball player

    Souarata Cissé

    Jan 16, 1986 Montreuil 38 years old

    French basketball player

    Fernand Guillou

    Jan 16, 1926 Montoire sur le Loir Died on 01 Jan 0001 (aged 1925)

    basketball player

    Alice Nayo

    Jan 16, 1993 Gonesse 31 years old

    basketball player

    Birthdays by Place

    Celebrity of the day
    English singer-songwriter, rapper and actor


    English singer-songwriter, rapper and actor