Celebrity birthdays, May 11th in Malaysia celebrity birthdays

Famous People's | Celebrity birthdays, May 11th in Malaysia, Browse the birthdays of celebrities, sorted by region of birth, occupation and birthplace and more.

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    Nik Akif

    May 11, 1999 Kelantan 25 years old

    association football player

    Marina Mahathir

    May 11, 1957 Alor Setar 67 years old

    Daughter of Malaysian Prime Minister

    Rita Gani

    May 11, 1977 Sabah 47 years old

    Malaysian association football referee and association football player

    Tiki Lafe

    May 11, 1953 71 years old

    Malaysian politician

    Zainizam Marjan

    May 11, 1980 Kota Belud 44 years old

    Malaysian footballer

    Ahmad Sabri Ismail

    May 11, 1963 Alor Setar 61 years old

    Malaysian footballer

    Birthdays by Profession

    Celebrity of the day
    English singer-songwriter, rapper and actor


    English singer-songwriter, rapper and actor