Celebrity birthdays, May 27th in Peru celebrity birthdays

Famous People's | Celebrity birthdays, May 27th in Peru, Browse the birthdays of celebrities, sorted by region of birth, occupation and birthplace and more.

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    María Jesús Alvarado Rivera

    May 27, 1878 Chincha Alta Died on 06 May 1971 (aged 92)

    Peruvian feminist

    Harold Forsyth

    May 27, 1951 Lima 73 years old

    Peruvian politician

    Magda Portal

    May 27, 1900 Lima Died on 01 Jan 0001 (aged 1899)

    Peruvian writer and activist

    Maximo Torero

    May 27, 1967 Lima 57 years old

    Peruvian economist

    Lizardo Montero Flores

    May 27, 1832 Ayabaca Died on 05 Feb 1905 (aged 72)

    President of Peru

    Gregorio Caloggero

    May 27, 1917 Died on 01 Sep 1995 (aged 78)


    Celebrity of the day
    English singer-songwriter, rapper and actor


    English singer-songwriter, rapper and actor