Celebrity birthdays, May 30th in Serbia celebrity birthdays

Famous People's | Celebrity birthdays, May 30th in Serbia, Browse the birthdays of celebrities, sorted by region of birth, occupation and birthplace and more.

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    Ivan Mrkić

    May 30, 1953 Belgrade 70 years old

    Serbian diplomat

    Marko Simonović (born 1986)

    May 30, 1986 Pristina 37 years old

    Serbian basketball player

    Živorad Kovačević

    May 30, 1930 Jagodina Died on 23 Mar 2011 (aged 80)

    Yugoslav and Serbian politician

    Zdravko Čolić

    May 30, 1951 Sarajevo 72 years old

    Serbian and former Yugoslavian pop singer

    Dragan Džajić

    May 30, 1946 Ub 77 years old

    Serbian footballer

    Aleksandra Crnčević

    May 30, 1987 Sremska Mitrovica 36 years old

    Serbian volleyball player

    Saša Viciknez

    May 30, 1974 Vršac 49 years old

    Serbian footballer

    Milan Dević

    May 30, 1974 Inđija 49 years old

    Serbian footballer

    Aleksandar Srdić

    May 30, 1992 Trebišov 31 years old

    Serbian footballer

    Birthdays by Profession

    Celebrity of the day
    English singer-songwriter, rapper and actor


    English singer-songwriter, rapper and actor