Celebrity birthdays, May 26th in Uruguay celebrity birthdays

Famous People's | Celebrity birthdays, May 26th in Uruguay, Browse the birthdays of celebrities, sorted by region of birth, occupation and birthplace and more.

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    Andrés Schetino

    May 26, 1994 Montevideo 30 years old

    Uruguayan association football player

    Sergio Pérez Visca

    May 26, 1988 Montevideo 36 years old

    Uruguayan footballer

    Ariel Krasouski

    May 26, 1958 San José de Mayo 66 years old

    Uruguayan footballer

    Felipe Jorge Rodríguez

    May 26, 1990 Juanicó 34 years old

    Uruguayan association football player

    Cristina Rodríguez Cabral

    May 26, 1959 Montevideo 65 years old

    Matilde Bianchi

    May 26, 1927 Montevideo Died on 01 Jan 0001 (aged 1926)

    Uruguayan writer

    Lucas Ortíz

    May 26, 1999 Montevideo 25 years old

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    Celebrity of the day
    English singer-songwriter, rapper and actor


    English singer-songwriter, rapper and actor