Celebrity birthdays, May 15th in Portugal celebrity birthdays

Famous People's | Celebrity birthdays, May 15th in Portugal, Browse the birthdays of celebrities, sorted by region of birth, occupation and birthplace and more.

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    Humberto Delgado

    May 15, 1906 Brogueira Died on 13 Feb 1965 (aged 58)

    Portuguese politician

    Bruno Pires

    May 15, 1981 Redondo 43 years old

    Portuguese racing cyclist

    Paulo de Carvalho

    May 15, 1947 Lisbon 77 years old

    Portuguese singer

    Lula Pena

    May 15, 1974 Lisbon 50 years old

    Fado and World music singer, composer and poet from Lisbon, Portugal

    João Pedro Silva (triathlete)

    May 15, 1989 Benedita 35 years old

    Olympic triathlete

    Paulo Gomes (athlete)

    May 15, 1973 Celorico da Beira 51 years old

    Portuguese marathon runner

    Beatriz Martins

    May 15, 1994 30 years old

    Portuguese sportsperson

    António Abrantes

    May 15, 1968 Lisbon 56 years old

    Portuguese middle-distance runner

    Dani Matos

    May 15, 1983 Alcains 41 years old

    association football player

    David Simão

    May 15, 1990 Versailles 34 years old

    Portuguese footballer

    Luís Geraldes

    May 15, 1957 Lisbon 67 years old


    Bruno Sousa (footballer, born May 1996)

    May 15, 1996 Paredes 28 years old

    Portuguese association football player

    Francisco Valada

    May 15, 1941 Cartaxo 83 years old

    portuguese cyclist

    António Serzedelo

    May 15, 1945 Lisbon 79 years old

    Hilário Leal

    May 15, 1974 Ajaccio 50 years old

    Portuguese football player/director

    Filipe Cardoso

    May 15, 1984 40 years old

    Portuguese bicycle racer

    Tamila Holub

    May 15, 1999 Cherkasy 25 years old

    Portuguese swimmer

    Matilde Fidalgo

    May 15, 1994 Lisbon 30 years old

    association football player

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    Celebrity of the day
    English singer-songwriter, rapper and actor


    English singer-songwriter, rapper and actor