Celebrity birthdays, May 15th in Venezuela celebrity birthdays

Famous People's | Celebrity birthdays, May 15th in Venezuela, Browse the birthdays of celebrities, sorted by region of birth, occupation and birthplace and more.

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    Guillermo Rodríguez (baseball)

    May 15, 1978 Barquisimeto 46 years old

    Venezuelan baseball player

    Rafael Ortega (baseball)

    May 15, 1991 El Tigre 33 years old

    Major League Baseball outfielder in the Texas Rangers organization

    Joel Graterol

    May 15, 1997 Valencia 27 years old

    Venezuelan association football player

    Guillermo Sucre

    May 15, 1933 Bolívar 91 years old

    Venezuelan poet

    Emmarys Pinto

    May 15, 1986 Araure 38 years old

    Venezuelan model

    Flávia Gleske

    May 15, 1978 Caracas 46 years old

    Venezuelan actress

    Daniela di Giacomo

    May 15, 1985 Caracas 39 years old

    Venezuelan TV show host, journalist, radio host, model and Venezuelan beauty queen, youtuber

    Carlos Salazar (Venezuelan footballer)

    May 15, 1989 Barcelona 35 years old

    Venezuelan footballer

    Celebrity of the day
    English singer-songwriter, rapper and actor


    English singer-songwriter, rapper and actor